An army of greek riot cops violently invades Thesalloniki University, attacks and arrests 31 students
Even by the elastic standards of what was used to be known as a parliamentary democracy in Greece, the right-wing regime that governs Greece has gradually turned in just one year and half in power into a neofascist state.
While Athens is still on lockdown for the last 4 months, the right-wing government of “New Dermocracy” has used this time to act like a mafia organisation, settling scores with its perceived enemies, people, human rights and freedoms.
In a violent legislative crescendo, the government has managed to establish a junta-like police State, using the pandemic lockdown as a period to quash rights and freedoms with no resistance by the people, (since the right to protest has been indefinitely revoked), that no other greek government even thought to destroy since the military junta regime was overturned in Greece back in 1974.
From establishing police stations inside the greek universities to the banning of gatherings and protests above a certain number of people and the ban on the freedom of journalists to move freely and report the news, the ironically self-proclaimed “New Democracy” governing party has decided that hiring thousands of new policemen as the answer to everything, even the pandemic.
As a result, today 22 February 2021, students occupied the administration offices of the University of Thessaloniki against the new law curtailing student freedoms and rights, as well as establishing police stations with policemen in all the universities across the country, with the excuse of tackling petty crime in university grounds. And it was the first time since the law was passed few weeks ago that we saw what the greek regime really meant. An army of dozens and dozens of cops invaded the university, teargassed and violently attacked the students that were just chanting slogans against the new university junta-like law and arrested more than 30 students. In certain situations like depicted in the video, the police arrests turned into actual public torture of the students. So a law that was supposedly imposed to deter petty crime within university grounds, in just few weeks has been turned into a law attacking and quashing the right to protest by students. Exactly like the military junta regime did ii Greece during its reign between 1976 and 1974. The only difference is that the junta regime used soldiers, while the greek regime of “Neew Democracy” uses cops armed with pistols and asphyxiating gas grenades. The only difference is the colour of the uniform.
A last minute update about another serious political matter in Greece
After 46 days of hunger strike, it was just announced that Dimitris Koufodinas started to abstain from water too. The turn of events is unpredictable.