ProtestBlog.org Asia-Pacific: Create, Write, Publish, and Update your own Protest Blog! Support Your Favorite Cause Online, Protest Climate Change Inaction in the Asia-Pacific Region!
Last September of 2019, in Thailand, more than 200 young people stormed into the environment ministry and dropped to the ground feigning death as - demanding government action on climate change. In Palangka Raya, in Indonesia’s Central Kalimantan province, youths carrying placards protesting government inaction against climate change marched through heavy smog caused by nearby forest fires.
No protests have been authorized in China, the world’s biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions; but young people are organizing as best they can to take part in the movement. Zheng Xiaowen of the China Youth Climate Action Network said Chinese youth would take action one way or another.
Global warming caused by heat-trapping greenhouse gases from burning fossil fuels has already led to droughts and heatwaves, melting glaciers, rising sea levels and floods, scientists say. Organizers said demonstrations would take different forms around the world, but all aim to promote awareness of climate change and demand political action to curb contributing factors to climate change.