July 8, 2020 marks one month since USA police well planned and carefully but brutally agreed from top to bottom of the police dapartment to unmercifylly murder a poor black family man. His crime, he is a black man who like all black people, life and bloob and wisdom and dream and visin are not part of the human race. Therefore, he MUST DIE. And George was murdered by the same police that is charged to protect all persons (except black people) in the US.
George's death and the treatment of blacks in the US claimed global attention - human felling spring up peoples of the world - protests, angry marches, sitting ins, etc, were seen and heard across the world. Africa was and is no exception. The angry global responses were seen and felt and witnessed in all Africa, the original home of the black race - a race hated by few whites.
South Africa, one of the leading countries of the African continent, a country that is still recovering from internal slavery named apartha, a racial system owned and operated by minority 'white gods.'
The opposition Economic Freedom Fighters Party of South Africa led by its 'fire voice' leader
Julius Malema, staged a protest 'kneeling order' before the American embassy in Pretoria, June 8, 2020. Today, July 8, 2020 is a solidarity remembrance day for all South Africans who share human feeling for all races for political, social-economic freedom and justice the world over.

Julius Malema and the EFF at a street protest in Pretoria, South Africa. Will this continue in solidarity for all peoples?
Slavery was an accepted system from the days of creation, and as was practiced by all most all leaders of the then known world. However, as human beings developed society, cultures and traditions, this ugly system/policy was gradually condemned and 'civilized people' reasonably began to create for themselves - including the black race because as human, we need to what it means to be human in God's world. It is not surprising, however, if slavery dressed in a different suit - wearing call "racial divide, racial sub-humaness, etc. But as modern and civilized and religious as the world claims to be, it is yet being uncivilized and uneducated, and being irreligious - not christianity, if we devalue people because they are black or brown or yellow, or simply because they don't look like us - white. It tells me that you are NOT human beings.
George Floyd is not the last, non is he the first to be killed by LAW ENFORCEMENT people. This tells us that we should expect more and more and more to come.
Those in solidarity with George should be looking over their shoulders for more of US police kneels on their necks, and bullets in their heads.