I claim Bloomington, Indiana, USA as my hometown. Last weekend the city saw the largest protest in decades. It was most heartwarming and I was glad to see that someone had recorded it and upload it to yourtube.
One half hour south of Bloomington, Bedford, Indiana, about 13,000 inhabitants, also saw protests on the courthouse square, which I find quite shocking knowing the place like I do. June 7, 2020 – Bedford, Indiana USA: Black Lives Matter protesters gather on the Lawrence County Courthouse Square to protest the killing George Floyd, and others, due to police brutality, Sunday, June 7, 2020 in Bedford, Ind. A few bikers, and others, watched the BLM activists from a distance. (Jeremy Hogan/The Bloomingtonian)

I feel better now about the place where I came from. I am proud of you Southern Indiana!